Jira and Discord are two popular tools that can be integrated to improve communication and collaboration among team members. In this example, we will learn how to create a simple integration between Jira and Discord using the Python programming language.

Here are the basic steps to create the integration using Python:

1. Install the jira and discord Python libraries. You can do this by running the following command:

pip install jira discord.py

2. Create a Discord bot and get its token. (How to Get a Discord Bot Token)

3. Create a Jira account and get its API token. This can be done by following the instructions on the Atlassian website.

4. Create a new Python script and import the jira and discord libraries at the top of the script.

5. Authenticate to Jira and Discord using the API tokens obtained in step 2 and 3.

6. Use the jira library to query Jira for new issues and use the discord library to send a message to the designated Discord channel with the details of the new issue.

Here is an example of what the final script may look like:

import jira
from discord import Client
# Jira authentication
jira_client = jira.JIRA(basic_auth=('username', 'api_token'), options={'server': 'https://jira.example.com'})
# Discord authentication
discord_client = Client()
# Discord channel
channel_id = '1234567890'
# Query Jira for new issues
new_issues = jira_client.search_issues('project = "PROJECT" AND status = "New"')
for issue in new_issues:
    # Send message to Discord channel
    discord_client.get_channel(channel_id).send(f'New issue: {issue.key} - {issue.fields.summary}')

Note: that this is a very basic example, and it is highly recommended to use webhooks and check for duplicates and also you can use some more advance features like filtering only specific projects and also you can use asyncio to avoid blocking the execution of other tasks in the script.

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